Walpajirri Jukurrpa![]() Walpajirri is a small animal previously found throughout Warlpiri lands that is also called the Rabbit-eared Bandicoot. Walpajirri livein deep burrows and eat Witchetty Grubs and bush fruits. The Walpajirri is hunted for food and is also used in ceremonies. It has a distinctive white tip on its tail and that is removed and used to make Jinjirla used in ceremonies. In contemporary Warlpiri paintings traditional iconography is used to represent the Dreaming and other elements. In paintings the Walpajirri tracks are often shown to depict it's travels across the country. Also Mukaki (Bush Plum) and other plants are depicted which the Walpajirri forge for. The custodians of this Dreaming are the Jakamarra and Jupurrurla men and the Nakamarra and Napurrurla women. |