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Goanna Dreamingby Ingrid NapangardiThis painting depicts Wardapi Jukurrpa or Goanna Dreaming and comes from Yarripilanguku, south-west of Yuendumu in Central Australia. It tells the story of a group of Karnta that were sitting down in a circle. A man from Mt. Theo, of the Japangardi skin group called Wamaru, came up to the women. He wanted to take a girl of the wrong skin, a Nungarrayi. He took the Nungarrayi woman, named Yurlkurinyi, and went up the hill where they made love. Then the Earth turned to Ngunjungunju (yellow and white ochre) and the man turned himself and all the Karnta into goannas. The ochre is still found on top of the hill and is used today for love magic and for ceremonial decoration. This Dreaming belongs to the Napaljarri/Japaljarri and Nungarrayi/Jungarrayi men and women. It also belongs to the people from Mt. Theo of the Japanangka/Napanangka, Japangardi/Napangardi skin groups. |
ArtistIngrid Napangardi comes from Yuendumu Community approximately 300km from Alice Springs in Central Australia. She is a Warlpiri artist who works with Warlukurlangu Artists, an art centre based in Yuendumu Community. Ingrid uses traditional iconography and dot work to depict her traditional Dreamings which include Goanna or Wardapi Jukurrpa. |
Why Sabine likes thisI like the use of traditional iconography mixed with traditonal ochre colouring found in this painting. |
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